I had an emergency call from my son-in-law this morning. My granddaughter had been sick 5 times during the night, my daughter was exhausted, he had to work, so Granny jumped in the shower, and drove the 70 odd miles to Bath to go and help out.
Daisy perked up as soon as I got there and after I'd had some breakfast, we went out for a walk into the town whilst my daughter did several loads of laundry, managed to get some of her work done, but more importantly managed to get a little sleep. Daisy had a good sleep in the stroller. I love this stroller, I bought it for me to use either at home or in Bath, and it's great. It can recline a long way down so that it's a great position for a nap.
The last time Daisy was sick, she and Libby were staying here whilst the building work was being done in their house, so James hadn't ever seen her being ill and I think it scared him a little. He was so grateful for me rushing there that two huge bouquets of flowers were delivered during the day. One for my daughter from Daisy to thank her for looking after her and one for me from Libs, James and Daisy for all I do for them.
What a wonderful surprise! What a generous gesture!
The sunflowers are my daughter's bouquet and the old fashioned pink roses are mine.
What a little treasure my son-in-law is!