This was my craft room at 5.30am this morning!
Yesterday, my daughter arrived with a rather poorly Daisy. She had had intermittent high temperatures and was really not very well.
After a trip to the doctor's, it was thought that one of her ears was the culprit, but it was uncertain whether it was bacterial or viral, so she was given a prescription for anti-biotics, but asked that we should wait until today to see whether she should take them or not. Today, she is much better, and seems back to her normal happy self. Thank goodness, I hate to see little ones when they are unwell.
She loves to do 'colouring in' as she calls it and has her own bag of crafty goodies to use when she comes to stay.
At 23 months, she knows her colours, can count to 10, can recognise numerals to 8 and can identify a circle, square, star, heart and triangle. Granny is very proud!
Probably not much crafting will be completed today, it's a good job I managed to make 40 Thank you cards for one of my recent wedding commissions yesterday before Daisy arrived, it's as sure as eggs are eggs, that I wouldn't have been able to do them with her here!