
Sunday 4 April 2010

Sunshine Award

I feel so pleased to have been offered this award from the most talented Helen, of Ellephantastic Cards and Crafts. She is the most amazing and successful crafter... her knitted characters have appeared on TV and her digi images are simply superb. Her Roger the bear is just SO cute; if you use any of her images and let her know, she may showcase your card on her blog! I've just spotted one of mine on there!
Under the terms of the award I must now...
  • Pass it on to 6 bloggers
  • Put a link to your nominees within your post
  • Let your nominees know that you are passing this award along to them by leaving by leaving a comment on their blog
  • Link to the blog of the person who nominated you for this award
It's difficult to choose just 6 people from all the fabulous friends and crafters in Blogland, but in no particular order I would like to pass this on to
Wipso, who makes the most amazing stitched (dumfed) pictures,
Paula, a most faithful follower of my blog who leaves such encouraging comments,
Sallie, who is also a most frequent visitor to my blog
Victoria and Ikki, true blogging friends and
Julia, whose wit often brings a smile to many a face!
With the very best wishes ladies and thanks again Helen.


  1. wow Chrissie - thank you very much for this... I'm working my way backwards through your new posts and found it by surprise (I'd not checked on my own blog)!!!

    I feel very honoured to have been one of your 6 and to have received this.

    Thank you - and really pleased to have you home posting more wonderful cards...

    Paula x x x

  2. Hi Helen

    Thank you so much for the award, I am blown away by your kindness.

  3. A well deserved award! Congratulations!


Thank you so much for popping by, I appreciate your comments!