
Sunday 4 April 2010

Home again!

I wonder if anyone has wondered why I haven't been cardmaking as prolifically as usual for the last 4 weeks... well, I have just arrived home from a month holidaying in New Zealand, returning via Sydney, as you can see from this picture, which was taken on April 1st or it might have been the 2nd... it was Good Friday there anyway. (I think my camera was on UK time)!
We had a wonderful time and made many new friends from amongst others on the tour. The flight home was not as tedious as I had anticipated, with just one refuelling stop in Bangkok.
I managed to get the cards for my DT spots done before I went away, and once the laundry has been sorted, I hope to be back to making cards once more!
One piece of unfortunate news was that one of my freezers had somehow become switched off and so we were greeted with 4 drawers of rather smelly, defrosted food in varying stages of decay!!! YUK!


  1. Welcome home and Happy Easter!
    Clare x

  2. I noticed Chrissie!
    Glad to hear you had a marvellous time
    Welcome home

    Look forward to seeing more of your FAB cards

    mandi xx

  3. missed you muchly. Glad you and Phil had a fab time, can't wait to hear all about it - and to see you creating regularly again!

  4. Lovely that you have travelled but I have missed you as I regularly have a peek at your blog - actually I was getting a bit worried - well as long as you are safely back and had a good time I am happy for you! Looking forward to your lovely cards! You inspire me!

  5. Glad you had ad fabulous time. Nice to see you back. Yul about the freezer not funny when this happens. Look forward to seeing your creations. Happy Easter! Hugs Ali x

  6. Welcome home Chrissie! looking forward to seeing your fabulous crafty creations again soon - once you have gotten over the jet lag, laundry and freezer that is!
    hugs, annie x

  7. Hi Chrissie
    Welcome home hope you've had a fab time on your hols...loks like the weather was lovely not not like here rain and more rain
    Hugs from Daniele

  8. Of course you've been missed. Glad you had a great time. Look forward to hearing more about it all. Welcome home.
    A x

  9. Chrissie - welcome back home... I was going to e-mail you hoping that you may pick up e-mails via webmail then thought i'd leave you well alone and touch base when you actually get here. So glad you back in one piece and that you had a good time. Shame about the freezers but oh well, if that's all that went wrong - things could have been much worse!!!!

    look forward to hearing more about it and to more creations. You did really well timing the cards throughout your holiday - i only did it once while I went into hospital - and it didn't work so Wipso came to my rescue!!!

    Paula x x x

  10. Welcome back - so pleased you had a great time.

  11. Hi, friend - nice to have you back home have missed you - look forward to hearing about your travels. You seem to have had a fab time, pity about the freezer welcome home gift! Say hello to Phil for me. Eileen x

  12. welcome back. sorry to hear about your freezers-what a shame.

  13. Welcome back you lucky thing. I had noticed you were a bit 'not here' as I look at your site almost on a daily basis. I love your cards, they inspire me so much. Glad you had a good time.


  14. Chrissie, all of your cards are just beautiful and your holiday sounds fantastic.


Thank you so much for popping by, I appreciate your comments!