
Saturday 28 April 2012

A Sketch for "Less is More"

We have a couple of sketches to choose from at "Less is More" this week. They are similar except for the shape of the central panel.


I bought the stamps from which this tree image comes at Ally Pally. The set is called Wild Trees by Stampology and the images are all rather quirky. The text stamp is from Stampin' Up and the sentiment by Kaisercraft.
The large butterfly is from a Spellbinders die and the small one is from a Marianne Creatables set.
 Mandi made a card some weeks ago that I loved and this is a case of it... I love the small flowers she added  on her card to the butterfly shape.
Details of this triple embossed card are on the LIM blog!

This is a case of another wonderful crafter's work. Birgit in Sweden does the most amazing work! I took the idea of adding dimension by superimposing small tiles of part of the image over the base layer.

I have now achieved my 3 stone weight loss and I feel as though I can see the end in sight even though it may take several more months. I want to lose another 14 lbs then I should be in the healthy zone for my height! I have rather more skin that I really need, but I'd rather have that than surplus fat!


  1. Oh My've been busy. Lots of craftiness inspiration for us. CONGRATS on your weight loss. All the best with maintenance....always sooo difficult for me.

  2. What a gorgeous cards Chrissie.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  3. Gorgeous cards Chrissie - love the embossed panel.

  4. Love that depth offered with the raised sections - FAB idea Chrissie!

  5. Hi Chrissie ...
    Fabulous cards all of them ....stunning .....
    enjoy your weekend....Bank holday here for two days
    Hugs sylvie
    how do i emboss the square shape on my card with the nestie never seems to work for me ...i must be doing something wrong.....

  6. Oh my gosh! All four are absolut my gust! Great style ! AWESOME!

  7. Beautiful! I really like the white butterfly!

  8. Beautiful work Chrissie, you have been busy. The butterfly designs are gorgeous & the layered one is stunning. Big congrats on your weight loss.
    Sally M x

  9. oh my they are all fabulous cards and i just adore the tiny flowers on the butterfly must have taken ages fabouls work hugs sassyx

  10. Less is definitely more in this case Chrissie! Really beautiful cards—I especially LOVE the last one!!! Congrats on your weight loss! :)

  11. Hi hun
    gorgeous selection of cards, luv the butterfly made up of flowers, sue,x

  12. Beautiful cards - I love the butterfly done in punched flowers. Gorgeous!!

  13. Chrissie, a lot of wonderful card - hard to say, which one is my favourite!
    I think the last one ... so lovely!

  14. Fun sketch - I hope to play this week!

    Love yuor samples -- Birgit does amazing - unique work - beautiful CASE!

  15. Goodness your cards at L.I.M. were stunning and then I hop here and find two more gorgeous samples....fantastic inspiration, thank you.

  16. A gorgeous selection of cards Chrissie! I really LOVE the second one ~ it's so pretty (and I love white on white) Sarah x

  17. first of all, congrats on the healthy changes you are making for your body. the numbers don't matter, just that you're healthy :)
    secondly, these cards are gorgeous. i haven't played along at lim for awhile...been in a slump, but i'm playing along this time! love these sketches and the inspriration art. :)

  18. Love the cards, especially taken with the multi-layered camelia card, must try this. Congrats on the weight loss, I'm trying to, so far so good :)

  19. Fab cards chrissis - I love this CAS look.


    hazel x

  20. Stunning cards Chrissie, I love them all. Well done on the weight loss by the way xx

  21. Oooh Chrissie, the cards are gorgeous, each one has it's own beautiful look.

  22. Gorgeous cards Chrissie x x

  23. These are ALL beautiful, but my favourite is the all white butterfly decorated with the mini-flowers. Just stunning!! :)

  24. Love the triple embossed card and layering up a design is another great idea. Great inspiration this week!

  25. Oh Chrissie well done on the weight loss...I am in awe !!!!love these cards too, my fav is the last one this time. I agree Birgit is so inspiring isn't she :) Viv xx

  26. What fabulous cards and all so different. I really like the technique in the last one. Kim x

  27. Love your cards Chrssie. I think my fave is the second buterfly one though, I just love the white on white. Massive congratulations with your weight loss, you should be so proud! xx

  28. Lovely cards, the butterfly in white is fab, I remember that is why I bought that punch now - must start putting things on a list LOL!

  29. Wow, the flowered butterfly is just stun-ning!! Way to go on the weight loss progress you made!

  30. Such beautiful cards here Chrissie.
    Congrats on your weight loss too. xxx

  31. Great sketch and great cards, Chrissie! Love that Gerbera.

  32. All your creations are gorgeous ! Love them ! You are talented to create such beauty with CAS. Have a great day, Shirley

  33. Wow ...that must be cool losing weight.i have nbeen struggling for years.way to go.Love all the cards you showcased.always do nothing new about that.You always inspire us.

  34. I just adore your last the dimension on the image, what a fab technique :0)
    Great CAS sketch this week...back to grass roots eh? and all your cards are brilliant inspiration for us :0)
    Congrats on the weight loss too although I thought you were looking good when we met at Ally Pally !!
    Jenny x

  35. Brilliant cards as always Chrissie but especially love the last one. The butterfly with the tree is intriguing. Many congratulations on losing all this weight - definitely worth a large pat on the back!

  36. gorgeous cards, you have certainly been busy.

  37. Some wonderful examples. I love the flower butterfly and the tile panel flower. x

  38. wow, Chrissie! These are totally gorgeous! I particularly love the second and last one - both perfectly elegant and beautiful

  39. Gorgeous cards Chrissie, but that butterfly is stunning

  40. Well done on your continued weight loss Chrissie! Super achievement and super selection of cards, all again very effective. Love the new tiled look on the last one in particular. Ruby x

  41. Hi Chrissie! Your creations for this week's challenge are gorgeous. I love your CASE of Mandi's card with all of the little flowers creating your butterfly. The last one made in Birgit style is grogeous. The tiles add so much interest and that little bit of sparkle is the perfect finish!

  42. These are all just lovely Chrissie but my absolute favourite is the final one. It's a wonderful idea to add tiles of dimension. I shall certainly try this! Vicky x

  43. Beautiful cards Chrissie! I love the white on white butterfly and the last one is amazing!

  44. fabulous cards Chrissie !! fab tecniques and varied designs ,,, all gorgeous !:-)

    well done with the weight loss !! WOW !! that is brilliant ! :-)

    Lols x x x

  45. Wonderful examples, it would be hard to pick a favorite so I won't try!
    Thanks for the challenge.


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