
Wednesday 16 February 2011


Quite a bit of yesterday was spent messing around with this file. It has all sort of useful  information in it and one section has print-outs of Pink Petticoat colours. What I spent time doing yesterday was to go through each one in Paint and pick up the combos of Red, Green and Blue which make up each shade and writing them down on each colour of the palette.
It all started because I wanted to make the sentiments for these two Mother's Day cards in a font colour to match the paper. SO I thought whilst I was finding it out, I'd do the lot.
The cards have large sentiments printed with a SU alphabet which Mandi gave me, you may have seen a stack of sets of stamps she gave me some weeks ago.
 I love these and I made up positioning acetate squares to use with my Lego right angle in order to get them stamped where I want them. It's so useful!
My grandson Sebastian is doing well, thought you might like another peek!
Hop over to Julia's (the link is on my sidebar) to join in the world-wide snoop around workdesks and have a good day!


  1. Beautiful baby! What a cool booklet!

  2. oooh, look at him, isn't he just adorable... loving those big alpha's :O))

  3. Great cards.. and I am ooohing :)))
    Happy Woywwing!
    Jennie #4

  4. Ooo Chrissie he so very cute... do love it..had to make some baby cards this week not posted yet) one down and one to making them!! Do love your beautifully glittered letters, and the colours.. yum!
    Shaz in oz.x

  5. Love the positioning acetate idea - and lovely cute baby ~ Nicky 6

  6. Fantastic organisation there and Sebastian is soo beautiful. Happy WOYWW, What a lovely busy desk you have there.
    Andria - 22

  7. Chrissie what a fab idea with the book!He's soooo cute !Have a creative Wednesday hugs judex

  8. love the big alphabet and what a cute baby

  9. chrissie...your baby super cute..and love the neat..not to mention that 2 gorgeous cards on the table :)


  10. WOW. These are going to be great when you get the cards made.

  11. Hi hun
    oh you are so organised, gorgeous piccie, couldnt ya just squish him,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  12. Great organization with the color book! I love being able to find the right color! What a beautiful baby. Vickie #30

  13. Hi Chrissie,

    You are making me want those alpha stamps!! What a gorgeous boy! Congrats Nana!

    Susan xxox #13

  14. Sebastian is so cute!!
    Your binder is very organised, most impressive. Have a great WOYWW

  15. Awwwww don't you just love sleeping babies,so cute. Nice stamps too.

    Thanks for sharing


  16. What a good idea with the colours for pink petticoat....i use their stuff quite a lot and it would be handy to be able to colour match text etc. Another organising job to add to my list!

  17. You are such an organised crafter Chrissie.
    Your little man is looking to be thriving. Is that slightly sandy red hair I can see? We have lots of that in our families and I love to see it on new little ones. :-)
    A x

  18. Such a sweet photo! I tried reading about the colours, but it made me feel confused so I had to stop, lol!
    Helen S

  19. Do you know Chrissie, I'm not sure I understand what you've been doing in paint. But it's OK, as with all of your things, I watch and admire! Love that alpha. And that baby boy Sebastian, what a cuddle!

  20. Ohhh such a cute baby. You are super organised matching colours, I'm impressed.
    Sandra #69

  21. Great picture of your space and oh how sweet is the little one! Nothing like a new baby!

  22. ahhhhhhh so tiny and cue, and you are so well organised.

  23. Hi Chrissie, that must have been quite a time consuming task but, like most, well worth doing. I like the way you have filed small 'swatches' of the papers. I'll be keeping a note of this - a job to do with my digital papers. Your grandson is lovely. Elizabeth x #61

  24. You look so organised but it's all eclipsed by the gorgeous Leo!
    He's adorable.
    JoZarty x

  25. Ooo I could do with one of those pink petticaot printouts how useful! your grandson is adorable I love it when they sleep so soundly! hugs Rebekah xx (111)

  26. fabulous work desk and Sebastian is gorgeous.

  27. Chrissie, you have WAY too much time on your hands!! I mean, seriously!!! Lol. Sure it will come in very useful though. Little lad is totally sweet, glad to hear they're all ok, how's little Daisy coping?

    Brenda 100

  28. I am sure all the card making info is helpful to your card making buddies but I just pop in to see that little poppet! What a sweetheart.

  29. Hi Chrissie, I was doing the very same thing yesterday with the Pink Petticoat papers, they're fabulous.
    Congratulations your little one looks gorgeous.
    Hugs cherie

  30. Nice stamps, great card, gorgeous grandson. 98

  31. Like the look of those new papers from PP! your grandson is adorable - there's nothing more lovely than a cute baby is there! TFS, Jo x

  32. A teacher never loses organisational skills...and Sebastian is gorgeous! Do you scrapbook? Shirl #122

  33. Your far to organized Chrissie, even for me lol

  34. Great desk, and your grandson is soooo cute! Shaz xx

  35. great organizing. I always intended to make positioning sheets for my alpha stamps but never got to it. Now w/o a job all the time in the world but lost interest in the project.

    Such a sweet baby. thanks for sharing him with us.

  36. I love an organised desk, love your little bundle of love, hugs Heidi x

  37. Beautiful cards, but I must say the grandson has stollen the show...he is handsome.


  38. Wow, how patient are you going through all those colours lol?!

    What a gorgeous little boy!! And lovely cards too.

  39. No wonder your cards always look amazing when you take the time to go to paint and match the CNYK colours! Very organised. Your Grandson looks adorable.

  40. I like the big letters of that alphabet. Looks great!. And such a cute baby.

  41. I bet youve got all the woyww's cooing this week he is gorgeous. Love the card and the folder is a fab idea. I'm afraid I'm not understanding about the acetate and Lego!!! But love the su stamped alphabet.

  42. what a sweetie pie grandson! Great idea for the acetate pieces too!

  43. aw, baby is the cutest! Yep, I remember the lego..great idea! And the PP thing is also a great idea to get the colour co- co--?? the same! (can't spell for toffee!) Happy WOYWW! #66

  44. Beautiful baby and love that alphabet stamp set! TFS :D #120

  45. Hmmmmm, you must have the patience of a saint!! I can see how it would end up being useful though! :) Love that wee little mannie, what a cutie pop he is!! Annette

  46. aaawww Chrissie - he is absolutely adorable... i want to snuggle up and smell his babyness!!!

    I too have all the colour palette printed out from pink petticoat and the other day was organising my pc folders so that all the navy was together, all the bubblegum together - they were also kept in their design collections too - but if I wanted anything in blue - i'd look through the blue folder rather than an unorderly 'big dots' folder where all the colours are. Also, I was - and need to carry on doing, sorting all my DP's that are striped and copying them into a 'stripes' folder, or a dots and spots folder etc - regardless of the designer - the originals being kept in their respective folders (are you following). I know this will reduce my available GB's so will back all this up onto my external hard drive... while Kieran is still poorly and i'm not running around - I think I'll carry on where I left off night before last!

    Paula x x x

  47. Your GrandSon looks so adorable and lovely cards as well.
    Have a lovely day,
    Karen #59

  48. Sebastian is such a cutie. Thanks for the peek into your world, you are very organised!

  49. Super organised idea and Sebastian is lovely - I adore the name too :-)

  50. Your grandson is soooo adorable.

    Great idea to use a piece of acetate of a positioner. Love your tip with the lego too. It must have been very satisfying once you'd finished organising your folder.Sue.

  51. Firstly, belated congratulations on the birth of Sebastian as I missed your news last week.

    Secondly, I'm impressed with how much use you're getting from that SU alpha set, I bet Mandi is delighted it's gone to a good home!!

  52. Lovely cards! Ohhhh and how adorable is your grandson!

  53. oh congratulations on the arrival of Sebastian! I am a tad out of touch!
    loving the alpha stamps.

  54. Very nice desk! Super cards!
    xx helksa #105

  55. You've certainly been busy, but it will make it easier later on! Are you a perfectionist?
    Patsy from

  56. Sorry to have been so long in getting over to say "congratulations" Chrissie. Your grandson is absolutely adorable - welcome to the world, Sebastian

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. What a beautiful bundle! Think of all that scrapbooking opportunities x


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