
Friday 5 February 2010

Wonderful Award

I was lucky enough to be given this award by the uber talented Helen from Ellephantastic Card and Crafts. She produces the most delightful digi images and I am totally hooked on Roger, a dear little bear who is among her creations.
Under the terms of this award I am supposed to
  1. Thank the person who gave you the award
  2. Place the logo on your blog
  3. Link to the person who nominated you
  4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
  5. Nominate 7 bloggers for this award and post links to their blogs
  6. Send a message to let them know they've been nominated
Here are my seven.
  1. The talented Lizzie Gough, who is doing SO well on 'So you think you can dance', was in my class for a couple of years in infant school when she was 6 and 7 years old. Her mum was my classroom assistant for a while some time later. Make sure you vote for her (Lizzie not her Mum)!
  2. I don't like dessicated coconut.
  3. My granddaughter aged 19 months can count to 6. (1:1 correspondence ) I was flabberghasted!
  4. The only prize I was ever awarded at school was for Drama. (for my portrayal of Bassanio in the Merchant of Venice... a male role as it was an all girls Grammar School)
  5. I passed my driving test first time after having only 6 lessons.
  6. I collect items made of pewter
  7. I own several etchings by the Kentish artist Graham Clarke.
I would now like to pass this award on to
  1. Julia, whose writings on her blog so often make me smile.
  2. Clare who produces the most beautiful creations and is a fellow Fabulously Crafty Friend at Cuddly Buddly.
  3. Annie, another FCF from Cuddly Buddly and regular commentator on my blog and the producer of stunning creations.
  4. Sharon, a member of several DTs and a very helpful and talented crafter whom I have joined on the DT on One Stop Crafts.
  5. Paula, a frequent visitor to my blog and very helpful crafter.
  6. Keryn, a fellow Hampshire crafting resident whom I am looking forward to getting to know a lot better in the near future.
  7. Gina, whose wonderful work first came to my notice on the Docraft site and who is now a fellow DT member on the One Stop Crafts Blog.
It's a pleasure to have got to know you all...even if it's only in cyber space!


  1. Wow! Thank you so much Chrissie. I am really honoured to receive this award from you.
    I will post this to my blog in the next few days.
    Sharon xx

  2. Congrats of your wonderful award.


  3. Gosh Chrissie, how kind of you; very undeserved, but I'll take it, thanks!

  4. Hi Chrissie - Thank you sooooo much for this award - i'm really made up that you chose me in your top seven - that really is an honour considering the amount of crafters you know through blogging.

    I will consider carefully who I pass this onto and what else I reveal about myself!!! I'm impressed at your driving skills BTW - its something I nearly put - but I think I had 8 (I might still put it because there's an added little bonus to me passing test).

    Thanks so much, big hugs

    Paula x x x


Thank you so much for popping by, I appreciate your comments!