
Wednesday 27 January 2010


There's really not a whole lot to see today, which is why I've gone for the 'whole thing' this week.
I have you gals to thank for the fact that I got my wedding invites finished yesterday. I said on last week's WOYWW posting that they would probably be finished by today, so yesterday guilt stepped in and I got them finished. Quel relief! (not sure if relief is masculine or feminine!)This is however, the reason for the lack of 'things' on my desk.
The small table draped in my damask table cloth is where I rest my laptop, and use with my whizzy chair down at its lowest level, when blog hopping and posting etc.. When I want to take a picture, the laptop is deposited on the floor, the daylight lamp swung around to light the card and hey presto... just call me David Bailey.
My paper cutters are on the old TV table behind my chair, so you can see the need for a whizzy chair as I need to whizz here there and yon to access my equipment!
The top four drawers on the pine chest are occupied with crafting stuff at the moment, but I'm gradually working south!
This furniture was in my daughter's room and she had a fancy for distressing it. She managed to do the dressing table (my desk|) and a bedside table, but the remainder is in its original state!
Pop over to Julia's blog if you want a nose around other people's desks!


  1. Isn't it great to see where poeple 'work' their magic? You can visualise where they were sitting when they created their masterpieces - and you produce the most lovely cards. Also, i can now visualise where you've taken the pic of your finished project. Where did you get the easel thingy from as its something i've been thinking of getting. My photos always come out pretty rubbish - but thats also partly to do with the fact that im having to use my phone at mo!!

    Thanks for sharing your world!

    Paula x x x

  2. Hi Chrissie, I LOVE the silhouette - I bought it when it was TSV on QVC - getting on for two years ago now. I'd really miss it now, but don't produce the kind of stuff some crafters do on theirs. It gives me comfort that i could if I wanted to though. I generally cut shapes and welded words out on it - and while i have the nesties for the cuttlebug - I really only bought the bug orniginally for embossing. However, I'm smitten with the nesties and its sooo quick and convenient. The silhouette is so versatile and if your computer literate like I am (I work on them most of the time at work and like to figure stuff out myself) - you can easily turn ANY image into a cut - unlike the cricut - although I stand corrected if i'm wrong. The silhouette is the same as the craft robo light which is something that my sister bought recently. She is still figuring hers out but it runs on exactly the same software. Where I think the silhouette has the edge (for me anyway) is the link in the software to the online shop. Hers doesn't. I think all in all - anything the cricut can do, the silhouette can and more. Plus you don't have to buy the extra cartridges. I regularly turn images into jpegs then import into the software and get a cut file ready. I've never used a cricut but realise it has a bit of a cult following - especially in the States. I wouldn't get rid of mine, even if i don't use it everyday - its there ready for action...

    Hope that helps and sorry its a bit lengthy.

    Paula x x x

  3. Lovely to see you space - glad you got the wedding invites done (nothing like a bit of guilty pressure - lol!) I saw that on Paula's blog you mentioned thinking of getting a cutter - I have a robo to sell if you're interested x

  4. can I see a bed there?? can I come and stay?? I wont touch anything I promise!

  5. Ooo I do LOVE noseying about other peoples rooms - lots to see here AND I could enlarge the pictures for a proper look! Jolly decent of you.

  6. Well Chrissie your out of the closet now you have shown us everything thanks for sharing that, it's lovely to se where you make your fab creations darling
    Hugs Susie xx

  7. Hi Chrissie great workspace and nice and tidy Im sorry I joined n this week mine is a total mess you would think someone broke in and trashed the place, great idea with the chair I always have some thing in with my card like a printer or a cup nice idea.
    Christine x

  8. Well Chrissie, it's nice to put your desk in context! I like the partially distressed suite of furniture - it sort of sums up life!! And I really like the multi useful laptop/photo chamber table. Linda has commeted today that WOYWW seems to have an affecting does. I get to pinch all the great storage/photography/etc ideas!

  9. I think masculine relief and feminie relief are two totally separate entities :0)
    Well done you on getting the invites done and dusted ... I feel very proud of what my fellow WOYWWers manage to achieve ... Have a great day of non wedding crafting X

  10. What a great work space you have, I love the distressed desk, I need to read up on that!

    Im glad I saw the lady's reply about the Silhouette as Im researching them too! Very helpful in deed and being able to import any jpeg image from my pc and cut it is far and above better than the cricut so thats great!

    Keryn x

  11. Shame DD didn't finish what she started 'cos the distressed stuff looks fab ;)
    Following on the Silhouette/Craft Robo thing - I have the Robo and it is great. I use mine much more now than I did at first. I beleieve there is software you can get so you can do the same sort of things with the Cricut so you don't need to keep buying the cartridges, namely SCAL (Sure-cuts-a-lot). I don't know how easy it is to use though. My only gripe with the Robo is the mats don't last long enough however the one I'm using at the moment has lots of cuts in it and is less adhesive it still works great with self adhesive card/paper. I have coated it with a tacky adhesive but card doesn't adhere so well and I often use masking tape to hold card in place - too mean to keep buying new mats! I intend to try repositionable spray adhesive.
    Anne x

  12. That's a great space to play in, looks like you'd be spoiled for choice if you have to "show us yer drawers" next week.... which one would you pick??


  13. Oh I love your work space. I would really love to have a good nosey through your stash. Your results are always so lovely.
    A x

  14. What a lovely space you have to work in. Well done on the invites. Hugs Pam

  15. wow I love your work area Chrissie I wish mine wasnt the dining room/ living room or I'd be getting some shelves to put up myslef an organise stuff better (can't ask hubby I've seen what he does with a drill - if you want a shelf so that everything slides off then he's your man)
    Thanks for stopping by my little bit of chaos again.
    Sam x

  16. Great to look over the rest of your crafty space - if mine had a bed in it my family would never see me!

  17. lovely to see your whole workspace. funny I had imagined you had a huge area with the white box set up etc - like your swing the lamp over!

  18. Hi Chrissie, In response to Anne's comment on the mats for the robo - my sister commented that the one I have is much thicker than hers and when the stickyness starts to go a bit, I've been lightly spraying temporary low tack adhesive (crafter companion stick and spray) to the cutting mat which helps. It doesn't take up too much room either - pushed to the back of my workdesk its like a small laminator size - it does need to be pulled out for use though ensuring clearance at the back and the front. Basically Silhouette was made for the USA market and Craft Robo more for the UK market (my take on it anyway). They use GSD files - you can even print an image from the software and cut it when you feed it back into your cutter - needs registration marks etc - not aware if the Cricut can do this but it seems they are developing it fast - what with the new Gypsy etc it seems they have realised that computerising it is the way to make it almost as versatile as the robo/silhouette. Happy to talk more about this but I really am only giving a user perspective as I'm no expert. UK scrappers is a useful source of information where they have a dedicated robo forum. My sisters is the robo light SD which can work in isolation from the pc. The SD is a memory card - a bit like on a camera for exaple that holds files on. She got her machine from Create and Craft using my mums membership to obtain discount and paid in the region of £80-90.

    Hope this is of some help to you...

    Paula x x x

  19. Nice space! Lucky you...I have trouble with the spray adhesive on my Gazelle mats as well. I found tape is more reliable.


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