
Thursday 5 November 2009

A couple of wonderful awards

I received this award from my wonderful bloggy friend Victoria.
Thank you SO much Victoria.
I have to tell you five things about myself.
1. I'm fiercely proud of my family
2. I find that colouring is most relaxing
3. I now buy shoes for comfort rather than fashion
4. I love to spend time in my own home
5. I'm very partial to rose wine

I received this award from my lovely bloggy friend June in Virginia, which was my home for a few years in the late 70's.
This is how it works
1. You can only use ONE word.

2. Pass this along to five of your favorite bloggers.
3. Alert them that you have given them this award.
4. Have FUN!!!

Here are the questions with my responses:

1. Where is your cell phone? bag
2. Your hair? short
3. Your mother? Lily
4. Your father? Jasper
5. Your favorite food? Italian
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? coffee
8. Your dream/goal? Happiness
9. What room are you in? living
10. Your hobby? papercrafting
11. Your fear? illness
12. Where do you want to be in six years? craftroom
13. Where were you last night? daughter's
14. Something that you're not? skinny
15. Muffins? chocolate
16. Wish list item? Copics
17. Where did you grow up? Staffordshire
18. Last thing you did? breakfast
19. What are you wearing? PJs
20. Your t.v.? on
21. Your pets?none
22. Friends? kind
23: Your life? blessed
24. Your mood? content
25. Missing someone? dh
26. Vehicle? Audi
27. Something you're not wearing? makeup
28. Your favorite store?craft
29. Your favorite color?blue
30. Last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? ?
32. Your best friend? daughter
33. One place you go over and over again? daughter's
34. One who emails you regularly? girlfriends
35. Favorite place to eat? Regginas
36. Facebook?never

I would now like to pass on both awards to these friends, Clare, Annie, Penni, Ali and Saskia.
All of these ladies are my Fabulously Crafty Friends at Cuddly Buddly.


  1. Hi Chrissie,
    Thank you for thinking of me with these awards. The second one looks fun to do!
    I got a pink parcel today - did you?
    Clare x

  2. Hi Chrissie, it was great to see your answers on this one and I loved seeing your craft area too in the post below, I think we're all inherently nosey aren't we? :D. You space looks tidy compared to mine at the moment, I must have a clear up! Hope you're well and have a great weekend. Chris x

  3. Hi Chrissie. Thanks so much for passing these awards to me. The second one was great fun, and took some thinking about !!!

    Have a great day.


  4. Chrissie,

    Thanks for this lovely award!!!!!!!!

    Saskia :)


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