
Tuesday 1 September 2009

Another lovely award from Victoria!

I was delighted to receive this award from my lovely friend Victoria. I haven't actually seen this one before, but it seems I have to tell you five things about myself and then pass it on to another five bloggers.
1. I used to have a cute black and white cat called Bramble, but now I just have a black and white cat climbing up the outside of my kitchen window. It's a thermometer!
2. My husband buys me flowers every week, usually roses.
3. He does all the grocery shopping.
4. He clears up the kitchen and is responsible dishwasher stacking & emptying and for all the washing up.
5. I could rent him out for a reasonable fee!
I would like to pass this award on to Amy, Julia, Eileen, Michelle and June.
Have a wander over to their blogs if you fancy a little inspiration!


  1. Oh Chrissie, thanks sooo much for thinking of me...I loved reading your 5 fun facts...your hubby is a keeper :) Thanks for all your inspiration!!!!!

  2. you're welcome and wow your hubby sounds too good to be true!

  3. Wow, look forward to meeting this man of yours. ikki

    ps forgot to say many thanks for the award - it certainly put a smile on my fact.


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