
Monday 14 February 2022

Happy Birthday

The challenge at Just US Girls this time is to make your own stencil. I didn't actually use dies, as I often do, but used my cutting machine instead. I didn't do a brilliant job and and I've since ordered a new blade, but there was enough which cut properly for my purposes. I used my home made embossing paste and twinkled it with Glamour Dust. This is a link to a video which shows how I made the paste.
The flowers are by Alexandra Renke and I shaped the bells with an embossing tool and added a little foam tape behind them to keep the shape.



  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the homemade embossing paste with the added shimmer making the perfect backdrop for those beautiful flowers. Thanks for coming back and playing with us again at JUGS!

  2. This is so very pretty and the white on white looks so classy x.

  3. LOVE the white on white, which creates such an elegant card, Chrissie. Beautiufl stenciling in the background and gorgeous flower die-cuts with lots of dimension. xx

  4. What a stunning job, Chrissie! I love the so much white on white. Using embossing paste is a brilliant way to meet the challenge theme. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Just Us Girls.

  5. c'est magnifique. J'adore votre travail et merci pour les explications.


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