
Saturday 11 April 2015

Time Out with Kim

The current Challenge at Time Out is to take inspiration from a card by the talented Kim!
Here is my card taken from this inspiration
It's a fairly close 'take off'. I stamped the  Stamploration flowers with Versamark and embossed in white. I then coloured them with pink and yellow watercolour pencils over a white base layer, (I believe it's called the Black Magic technique) adding a little Glamour Dust at the end.
The sentiment is part of the 'Pawesome' die from SSS with the 'p' removed and a little twinkle added!


  1. Super card, Chrissie and what a totally magical way to add colour over black, Jo x

  2. Beautiful card, Chrissie! Love how you've added color over the black.

  3. You said it, Chrissie. The card is awesome.

  4. Gorgeous, Chrissie ... the delicate colouring on those daisies is fabulous against the dramatic black ... awesome indeed! Delighted to have you playing along with us at Time Out! Anita :)

  5. stunning card Chrissie-this is a technique I haven't tried but you have made it shine here. Great to see you at TO x

  6. Chrissie, your card is so adorable, love yellow coloured tiny flowers!

  7. Great technique Chrissie. The daisies are so pretty in the soft colours against the black background. The sparkle really shows in your photo. xx

  8. Awesome! I love how you achieved this technique! And I love the Glamour Dust! Thanks for taking the Time Out to play with us!


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