
Wednesday 26 January 2011


Today I'm a long way away from my desk and for the next who knows how many days, I'll be here in Bath in my own little room at my daughter's, ready to look after my granddaughter Daisy when my daughter goes to hospital to have her second child.
I hope she doesn't go too far beyond her due date, (which is this coming Saturday,) as I don't really want to stay away from home (and my craft desk) for too long. However, I didn't want to stay at home and then have to make a mad dash here should the occasion arise. It takes about and hour and three quarters to drive!
I can however show you the card I made for Daisy for when her little sibling arrives. Sadly it seems that I may have left it at home, what a good job I thought to take a picture of it!!
DO join Julia over at her Stamping Ground and see people's workspaces from around the world... the link is on my sidebar... and have a great WOYWW!


  1. Oh what a lovely card you have made for Daisy! So you are on stand by now? I hope all goes well and we will soon hear the good news! Have a lovely time in Bath!

  2. AS I am up and running I better get straight back to you! I was looking for the MS scoring board in England or somewhere in Europe but I couldn't find it anywhere so I decided to order it from the States - the thing is if you order from there the postage is and extra 25 $ but because I ordered more other things too I guess it was worth it! I ordered at Simon Says Stamp as the price is the same as if you order directly from Martha Stewart! I haven't done anything with it yet but I will report as soon as I do!
    I hope this was helpful!

  3. Oo, how very lovely Chrissie, pity about leaving it at home..there must be something about me and no. 22 cos there I am at it again.. lovely sunny warm Australia Day here, I had lovely dip in the salt sea and so enjoying a browse now around desks before tea!
    Shaz in oz.x

  4. Gorgeous card just shame you left at home ,but then she may feel even more special if you post it to her!Hope daughter doesn thave to wait to long.Fingers crossed for the arrival soon
    hugs judex12

  5. How exciting another grandchild for you!! Enjoy the time with your family.

    The card was beautiful!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sam # 26

  6. How sweet to have your Daisy card all ready for the big sis. You had a lot on your mind to pack it, but she'll love it all the same. Congrats on your new little one. We'll here more joyful news next week I'm sure!
    #8 yet again ;)

  7. Glad to read I haven't missed out on the blessed event. Obviously, I didn't come by last week, and for that I apologize. I will try to check back on Saturday to see if there is any "news."

    And that card for Daisy is adorable. I know she will love it as soon as she gets it. Hope you are enjoying the privacy of your own room. Sounds like a fun vacation to me. I'd gladly trade places with you this week (grin). Happy WOYWW from #10.

  8. Gorgeous card, what a fab idea! Hoping that DD has a quick and easy time of it... tis so exciting... can't wait til next week to find out about the new bundle x Hels #6

  9. such a sweet card for what I expect will be a very very good big sister.
    I am new to woyww and so far I love it.
    stop by when and if you have time
    Marianne #21

  10. Sweet Card I'm sure daisy will love it :)
    hugs Nikki #43

  11. beautiful card Chrissie - bet hubs can post it to you in time for Daisy to get it!

    Hope you have lots to blog as it's going to be quiet in blogland without you. Fingers crossed Libs isn't left waiting too long for bubs to arrive


  12. Exciting time for you ... hope all goes well

  13. Ah so your down my neck of the woods in not so sunny somerset. Hope the baby comes soon, love the card for Daisy.
    Thanks for visiting me :D
    Happy Wednesday
    Minxy #1
    Oh and why not spray paint or alcohol ink your ATG pink!

  14. Gorgeous card and how lovely to make it for Daisy when her brother/sister arrives! Hope you don't have to wait too long.

  15. The wonders of being a big sis and of course a wonderful new baby. Your card for Daisy is adorable. Can hardly wait till next week, hopefully we will see your newest grandaughter. Enjoy!

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Marjo #7, Happy WOYWW

  16. What an exciting time for you all....hope the events happen soon and you have the safe arrival of your new little grandbaby :-)
    A x

  17. Hi hun
    oh how exciting for you, hope she doesnt keep you waitin to long, gorgeous card, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (30)

  18. ohooo exciting, baby will be here very soon! Lovely card you've made and of course, seeing it's not 'your desk' very tidy! I make a mess even when I'm away! ((Lyn)) this week, #68! Happy WOYWW! (so behind!)

  19. How exciting, I hope she delivers soon! Very sweet card :-)

  20. Morning Chrissie, how exciting, hope your daughter doesn't go to far over her due date. Lovely card you have made for Daisy, how kind to think of her when her little baby comes. Good luck and love to all *48*

  21. Oh how wonderful, another Grandchild! Hope baby comes soon and all is well!

  22. Beautiful card, fingers crossed baby makes an appearance soon!

    Thanks for sharing

    Jinny #76

  23. Lovely card you have made for Daisy, it will make her feel special when her new sibling arrives. Good luck to you all and hope your new grandchild arrives soon. Have a wonderful week! Tracey (Handmade with Love)x

  24. Such a lovely card and hope grand-baby number 2 will be here by due date :) Hugs, Marlene [71]

  25. Lovely card for a little big princes.
    I wish all the best of your family! Hope soon you'll be +1 more person:-)

  26. Awww Chrissie, this is such a sweet card! hope baby makes an appearance real soon. Joey x

  27. Very nice card! So sweet to think of the big sister at this special time. Hope everything goes well...and quickly...for your daughter. Vickie #59

  28. Oh Chrissie you made me laugh - leaving the card at home - you have adopted post partum brain= swiss cheese status...hope it all goes smoothly.

  29. How exciting for you. Hope baby arrives soon! Lovely card. Thanks for the peep. Kathleen x

  30. Ooooo... - thinking of you...know that story - my mum was on duty for a whole week and I spent 3 days in the labour ward awaiting my nephew. I do hope it all goes well and that you survive it all too. Perfectly natural to miss that craft table - I did big time! Just enjoy the chance to have a good nose around all the blogs...!


  31. Love the card.
    will you be able to tear yourself away when the sibling has arrived?! lol

  32. I love that card you made for Daisy, and what a lovely idea to make her feel special. Hope all goes well with her brother/sister, and look forward to seeing pictures of them both. We have about a month to wait for our next grandchild.

  33. Hi Chrissie, Love the card you have made for Daisy and the thought behind it. Hopefully she won't feel left out when the new baby arrives. Elizabeth #60

  34. Lovely perfect crd for a big sister, i'm sure cuddles with the new baby will help ease the withdrawal from craft.

  35. Lovely card! Hope all goes well with your new grandbaby :)
    Shaz x

  36. Lovely card! At least you remembered to take a picture of it.
    Happy WOYWW and good luck with the new baby.
    Tertia 137

  37. Love the card and hope all goes well
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper #31

  38. Enjoy the time with your growing family!! I bet that Daisy will love to open her card from the mail later!

  39. Great card. Enjoy your stay and hope all goes well!

  40. Hope you don't have too long to wait and that everything goes well for your daughter. I am almost in the same boat as you as my new Grandson is due in 3 weeks but we are hoping she goes early again as she is now struggling to get around as the baby is so big


  41. Oh that is a lovely card .. and THANK YOU! You have just given me the inspiration I needed to finish a Sweet 16 card I'm struggling with.

    I hope your wait is of short duration and your daughters delivery goes smoothly.

    CaroleB #135

  42. Lovw thw card for Daisy to receive. My 'honoury ' grand-daughter is Daisy too but no sibling on the horizon just yet for her. Hope you next grandchild arrives soon , being unable to craft properly is difficult.
    x Tricia (120)

  43. Hope you dont have to have to wait too long for your new grandchild - but I am sure you will have lots of fun with Daisy - great card you have made for her ~ Nicky 17

  44. What a lovely idea to make a card for Daisy to make her feel special when the new baby arrives.
    I hope all goes well and you don't have too long to wait.
    Hugs Lisa (126)

  45. hope all goes well with your daughter's delivery. great idea to celebrate Daisy's becoming the big sister as well. must be so exciting, having grandchildren! happy WOYWW!

  46. It's a super card you've made for Daisy!! I love your make-shift desk!! And I'm keeping my fingers cross that the baby arrives on time :) Take care

  47. gorjuss card, hope the baby does arrive in time xx

    thanks for the peep

    Judie xx 158

  48. Love that card from Daisy... is the colour scheme an indication of the sex of the new baby - or did I miss it and you already said what she was having... OR is it that colour because its from Daisy? My mind is truly boggled.

    Paula x x x

  49. oops... meant to say - no wonder your desk looked tidy when I first saw it (tee hee)!!!

    x x x

  50. What a lovely thought, this is beautiful card Chrissie and I'm sure it will make her feel very special.
    Have loved catching up with all your fab creations, and I am sooo looking forward to joining in your new challenge blog. Like you I am a huge fan of less is more cards, so I can't wait!
    Thank you for all your lovely messages on my blog recently,
    Love Sarita xx

  51. Sweet card, and I can think of no better reason to skip crafting than new grandbabies! Enjoy your visit.

  52. I can't believe how time has flown..if it weren't happening, I'd say you were wrong! As it's now Friday, I'll be refreshing to see if there's any news - sending love and strength!

  53. Another grandchild how lovely I bet your really excited. The card for daisy is wonderful.

  54. Lovely card, hope the baby came when it was supposed to! It's no fun when they go past the due date.

    Happy be-lated WOYWW and
    Thanks for the peek! :D


  55. Super duper adorable card! I love it, it's so personalized.

  56. What a beautiful card you made for Daisy. If you left it home, at least you can show it to her on the web :D. TFS!


  57. Hi Chrissie,
    Hope you are enjoying your 'family time' Love the card... you are certainly getting some use out of that alphabet set! Happy {LATE} WOYWW!
    Susan xxox #29


Thank you so much for popping by, I appreciate your comments!