
Saturday 8 January 2011

Kissing Technique

On Split Coast Stampers there is a CAS challenge using the 'kissing technique'. Although I had heard of this, I'd never actually tried it so I thought I'd have a go.
The little Hero Arts  heart stamp is perfectly plain and so ideal for this kind of stamping. The stamp which 'kissed' it was a Stampabilities music manuscript stamp.
I tried a variety of types and colours of ink on the manuscript stamp to tie in with the pink Papermania ink I'd chosen for the heart. Finally I decided on SU Ruby Red.
So the heart was inked with the pink ink, the manuscript stamp was inked with the red ink and I then stamped the heart first on the manuscript stamp and then on the card. Hey Presto!
Because the image is an impression of an impression it turns out backwards, but as the music is handwritten it doesn't look too wrong!
The sentiment is from Stampin' Up's Whimsical Words.
Since taking the picture I have stuck the right hand side of the border down properly!
Sweet Stampin' - Try something different


  1. This is beautiful Chrissie!

    You should enter it into Sweet Stampin this week as the challenge is to try something new.
    Happy New Year to you
    Linds x

  2. Have a look at they have loads of information pages which go into lots of detail. It's quite an expensive hobby and very addictive....which is why I ended up staring a business! You can get starter kits for about £40 and there are loads of books on Amazon. Hope this helps. E mail me if you need any more info.

  3. Hi Chrissie, Stunning card, so lovely and clean looking. Love the colours too :-)
    Anne xx

  4. Hi ya hun
    gorgeous card, you n mandi make em look so classy, shame you no going fri i could have popped in! lol, happy new year hun, x

  5. lovely card like the technique too ........K x

  6. This is gorgeous hun - I love the simple yet very effective card finished off with a lovely sentiment. Thanks for joining in the fun at Sweet Stampin'. Hugs, Claire x

  7. So Cute!! Love the music note pattern.

  8. Love the card Chrissie....happy new year xx jules

  9. This is lovely! I like your composition and the little kissed heart!

  10. Gorgeous card Chrissie the style of this I love that heart looks fabulous and..well..I just love it.
    Lorraine x

  11. All your cards are lovely Chrissie. Thanks for commenting on my card. I used a white crayon over the flower before I sponged distress inks over the image. Sandra xx

  12. Oh, how beautiful! I had never heard of the Kissing Technique, so thank you for teaching me something new today!
    xoxo Karen

  13. what a lovely card - the kissing technique is great - I first saw it on create and craft when Glenda Waterworth did it with a butterfly stamp - absolutely stunning. You did a great job Chrissie - and until you pointed it out - i would never have noticed the music was back to front!!!

    Paula x x x

  14. Congrats, Chrissie on being chosen for the Spotlight Card on Sweet Stampin' this week! Very well deserved! Tracey x


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