
Friday 3 December 2010

Winter Wonderland

I thought I'd share a few pictures of our garden yesterday.
Here are two from back bedroom windows.
The last one is taken through the sitting room front window of the view across the road.
It's great when there's no pressure to get anywhere and I can just enjoy looking the beauty of the snowy scenes.
My son spun his car yesterday on the way to the surgery which is in a village near the Norfolk border. Fortunately, some chaps were able to push him off the grass verge where he ended up and send him on his way with no damage done!
Stay warm and safe!


  1. Thanks for stopping by snowy Buffalo NY. Looks like you're enjoying the snow from inside, a good place to stay and play with Tim Holtz's tags ;-) hugs

  2. PS Your garden is stunning. I've always wanted an English garden, for real, no joke, not lying.

  3. Wow Chrissie what a lot of snow for that area especially at this time of year. We are still having a heatwave here (26degrees forecast for today) I have been told it was the hottest November for 110 years. We should be having rain now and we haven't seen any since the spring. I hope it rains soon or they will be rationing water again next summer!!!
    I'm really looking forward to coming home in 10 days time fro 4 weeks to enjoy some winter.
    Keep warm.


  4. Brrrr lovely to look at though. I just wish we would wake up some morning and the fairies have taken all the snow back to wherever it came from!!! It's still snowing here and the icicles on the house across the road must be about 3 feet long. I'll try to get a photo of them cos it was -14 here last night. Keep crafty and cozy. Hugs xx

  5. Looks like my backyard only much nicer. Glad to hear your son is okay.

  6. BBBBBrrrrrrrr - stay in that craft room and make some fabulous cards and show show show.

    Paula x x x


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