
Saturday 22 August 2009

Idyll Hours Award

I must say was delighted to have received this award from June today. She has such a wonderful blog and her work is simply fab. Do take a look.
I have to admit to misreading the title as at first I thought it said idyl hours, meaning not doing much (with a slightly strange spelling), but then realised that there was a double letter which changed the whole meaing of the phrase altogether. I do spend many idyll hours at my craft desk I must say.
Now I need to list 5 things I like and pass the award on to 5 more bloggers.
1. Sunny days.
2. The company of family and friends.
3. New shoes.
4. My first cup of fresh black coffee each morning.
5. Listening to Morten Lauridsen's Magnum Mysterium, it sends shivers down my back it's so beautiful.
My list of five bloggers to whom I would like to pass this award is
Victoria, Eileen, Jackie, Jenny and Glenna
Great bloggers every one!


  1. Thank you so much for thinking of me and such a nice comment too. :)

  2. Good morning Chrissie, thank you for thinking of me once again. I will put it on my blog as soon as I can separate 5 bloggers from all the many wonderful people in blogland :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Hi, my sweet friend! I know you receive many, many awards, but you and your work are a treasure. My life is fuller because of YOU :)

  4. Thanks Chrissie, I'm in Edinburgh until later in the week and will catch up with you soon. Eileen x

  5. Hello Chrissie! I just found your blog by my little Idyllhours award... I initially made that award for my sweet friend Karyn at French Charming for all the encouragment and support she gave me when I first started blogging... I am pleased to see where all it has ended up! The picture is actually my header on my blog, a picture I took of my tulips this Spring... If you visit my blog, you can read the entire meaning behind "Idyllhours"... seems like as it is passed along, each blogger comes up with something new and fun to do to pass it on! Hope you will visit me soon! Bisous... Julie Marie Idyllhours


Thank you so much for popping by, I appreciate your comments!